From time to time, investments are equal to the benefits - and this weekend, that was the reality for me. I went up in the mountains with my photo club, and sharing time and knowledge with these capacities, is just so inspiring!! Well, here are some of my pictures - enjoy!
Hausten er definitivt komen i fjellet. Rypebærblada lyg
ikkje: det ha vore frost her.
Autumn has come to the mountains. These leaves are getting
the brilliant red color after the first frosty night ---
Tytebæra toler frosten godt; dei smakar skikkeleg godt no.
Cranberries don't mind frost: they taste delicious at this stage!
Rypebær igjen - dei fargar fjellet i oransje og intenst raudt.
The same kind of heather, just a bit more orange
Og bjørka er på hell, den med. Lauvet fell heile tida ---
The birch trees also have to adjust for winter ---
Rognetre kan veksa høgt til fjells og bli ganske store.
Rowen trees can thrive under really tough conditions!
Eitt eller anna stort tre har måtta gi tapt for stormen - og vips er soppen der!
Some kind of big tree has tipped over - great environment for mushrooms!
Jamen trivast ikkje tytebæra der og, rett på rota.
- and great environment for cranberries.
Ved foten av Napen
The dark blue berries are delicious and very healthy with lots of
anti oxidants; the red ones are not edible.
Vi er ute heile dagen; gir oss ikkje før skumringa legg seg over fjellheimen.
We stay outside the whole day; can't stop till dusk arrives, and
colors the surroundings blue.
Nokon klarte å lura meg til å stå opp i otta dagen etter, for å sjå
soloppgangen over Mosvatnet. Det må vel kunna seiast å vera verd det ---
I was persuaded to rise when darkness still ruled - it was worth it, wasn't it?
Første solstrålane møter bjørkeskogen rundt Gullingen
The first sun rays hit the birches at Gullingen
- og om litt når dei oss også.
- and shortly after, they reach us as well.
Stille, stille kjem dagen tuslande.
The day is coming tip toeing.
Jubel og glede i heile fjellheimen!
A new day of joy in the mountains!
Og så ringer telefonen: det står tre elgar ved vegen! Kom!!
Then the phone rings: there are three moose standing close to the road - Come!!
Fantasisk flotte dyr - og enormt digre!!
What an enormous, huge creature!!
Vel - dei går sin veg, og vi går tilbake til vår agenda.
Well - they go their own way, and we return to our agenda.
Birch Cleft
Siste bjørkeklem
The Last Cuddle
Vatn med himmel i
Birch leaves with a blue, blue lake beneath them
Frodig spegling av siv
Vakker idyll oppi høgfjellet
Just peaceful ---
Så må vi seia takk for oss. God vinter, der oppe!
Goodbye for now - have a nice winter up there!